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Colleen’s Birthday-Inspired Food Bank Donation

Happy Birthday, Colleen!

Colleen had long encouraged reaching out in practical ways to help. As a teenager, Colleen drove into the city of Chicago on the hottest day of the year to hand out water to the homeless.

In the midst of their own grief, Colleen’s family made Colleen proud today.  

Mike at Costco 13Oct20

To celebrate what would have been Colleen’s 28th birthday, Colleen’s family did what Colleen would do - think of others. The morning of Colleen’s birthday, her parents, Mike and Christine, made a Costco run to load up on food donations.

They then headed to an area food bank to donate their stack of boxes, each a gift in honor of Colleen’s giving spirit.

Food Bank receiver

The food bank employees expressed surprise at the number of boxes emerging from the Gleason’s auto. They shared gratitude particularly because, due to the pandemic, needs are up while donations are down.

The family saw a large line of people waiting for help.

October 25

Red Shoe Society: Par-Tee Attended in Colleen’s Honor